
Updates: Engineering Awards and Snow Removal

Two Olmsted County projects received engineering awards this year: The Zumbro River Restoration in Oronoco received the Grand Award. The Reconstruction of Olmsted County CSAH (County State Aid Highway) 22 and CSAH 33 received an…

Updates: Excellence in Reporting, VA Transportation,

Excellence in Financial Reporting For the 33rd year in a row Olmsted County received the Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting.  The certificate is a testament to the transparent…

Updates: Census, Human Rights Commission, Real ID, Jumping Worm

Census 2020 Planning has begun for the 2020 Census.  The results of the census will determine the distribution of Federal and State funding.  Additionally, it will determine the number of Minnesota’s Congressional seats.  It is important that everyone…

Property Tax Refunds: Good News

I supported an effort by PRL (Property Real Estate and Licensing) to promote Minnesota’s property tax refund system. I believe that this is an important method to insure that low-income homeowners can receive assistance to…

Updates: Community Health, Bierman House, Property Taxes

Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA)   Olmsted County has mailed to 2,000 randomly selected households a questionnaire to determine the health needs of Olmsted County.  If you received one, please complete the survey and return it.  You will…