Updates: Graham Park, Vegetable Gardens, Adult Foster Care, Healing Circles, and Youth Awards

Graham Park 100thAnniversary

This year marks the 100thAnniversary of Graham Park.  Watch for details on this summer’s celebration.

Community Vegetable Gardens

Volunteers through Health, Housing and Human Services will be establishing community gardens in low-income housing communities.  Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxA875P0NSI&feature=youtu.be

Adult Foster Care

There are hundreds of adults who are unable to live independently because of the challenge of aging.  Have you every considered opening your home to provide foster care?  If you are interested or have questions, please call Olmsted County Social Services at 507.328.6375.

Healing Circles

Children who have experienced childhood trauma often need help that is designed to overcome the affects of childhood trauma.  Trauma can be from many sources including cultural disadvantages, poverty, hunger, and unstable housing.  Olmsted County is engaging children and their families who have been affected by trauma through a program called REACH. The goal of REACH is to insure that children will be able to flourish in today’s society and break the cycle of poverty and dependency.  For more information please contact the program manager for REACH at 507.328.6400.

Outstanding Youth Awards

One of the best programs that the Olmsted County Board funds is the Youth Commission.  Youth Commissioners participate in creating and carrying out activities of community engagement and learn first hand about positive ways to create change.  One activity sponsored by the Youth Commission is the Outstanding Youth Awards.  This year five students were recognized for their personal achievements.  Read more:  https://www.postbulletin.com/news/local/overcoming-struggles-earns-honors-for-olmsted-county-youths/article_c60862b0-60be-11e9-95e4-a74c73b96a62.html