Updates: Vaccination Site Changes, and Seneca Site


Vaccination Site Changes Again

The State of Minnesota has changed the vaccination process and sites again.  Many of us continue to be frustrated with the lack of specific information about where and when to get vaccinated.  Here is the website for Olmsted County Public Health that has information on vaccinations:  https://www.olmstedcounty.gov/news/covid-19-vaccine-update-january-25-2021  You can also go to: www.olmstedcounty.gov/covid  You can also check with the Minnesota Department of Health.

A vaccination site that has recently started is the Rochester Community Pharmacy located at 120 Elton Hills Lane NW, 507.322.6124.  This pharmacy is now taking applications for appointments and will be getting vaccines in the near future.  In the meantime, be persistent in your search, use the Olmsted County Public Health website, check with your local clinic, talk to your friends, and remain patient.  Please be aware that the real issue is that there is not enough vaccine yet.  The good news is that the supply of vaccines should increase soon.   Eventually there will be enough for everyone who wants to get vaccinated.

18.5 %

As of 2/2/2021, about 18.5% of the population in Olmsted County has been vaccinated.

Seneca Site: 1,033 Loads of Concrete

The former Seneca Plant is in the process of being demolished.  So far, 1,033 loads of concrete have been removed.  There is more to be done but with the freezing temperature, the work will have to be completed after the spring thaw.  In Spring when all the debris is removed, grass will be planted.  At this time, the County has not determined the future use of the Seneca site.


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