$8.7 Million
Olmsted County has distributed to small businesses and non-profits about $8.7 Million. The money came from the State of Minnesota, Federal Government, and County Funds.
- $7 Million was distributed to small business
- $1.7 Million was distributed to non-profits.
- Non-profits were included in the COVID help because of the assistance they provide to the people in the County.
Legislative Priorities
The Commissioners presented to area Legislators our Legislative Priorities for the 2021 Legislative Session. Briefly the Priorities included the following:
- Allow Olmsted to continue to use the waivers that were granted to the Human Services during COVID because they allowed us to be more efficient and increased the ability of clients to do business.
- Modernize the technology and computer system
- Invest in Broadband
- Increase the affordable housing stock
- Bonding for Graham Park Regional multipurpose expo building (to replace and enhance the building that are deteriorating beyond repair).
- Bonding for the planning phase of a Materials Recovery Facility (which would allow the Waste to Energy Facility to separate recyclables, organics, and non-combustibles. This would provide more income from recyclables, reduce emissions, and reduce ash that goes to the landfill.
- Funding for Oxbow Park and Zollman Zoo. This money would come from the Parks and Trails Fund established through the Clean Water, Land and Legacy funds.
Only 74 Cents
The Chart Below shows the comparison between several counties of the return of gain or loss when $1 Dollar of county tax is sent to the State. You can see that Olmsted contributes more to the state than it receives in state aid.
Veteran’s Services
Jennifer Shumaker was honored by the National VFW organization’s “Still Serving Campaign.” She is a Veteran’s Service Officer in Olmsted County: https://www.kimt.com/content/video/573722922.html.
If you know of a Veteran who needs services please have them contact veteranservices@co.olmsted.mn.us or call (507)328-6355.
Availability of Low-Income Housing Lags
The projected need for low-income housing increases. We can no longer count on the private sector to build homes of low-income people at a rate that is needed. Over the last 10 years only 4% of the housing that was developed was for low-income families. (Low-income is 60% or less than the Average Median Income or AMI). The public sector does not have enough money to keep up with the demand. One of Olmsted’s Legislative priorities is for more funding to serve this segment of the population.
Vaccinations are Increasing
- 24.2% The percentage of people vaccinated in Olmsted County (gotten at least one shot)
- 35% The percent of people 65 years and older who have gotten at least one shot
- The slow vaccination process is due to lack of vaccines. Olmsted is expecting that the availability of vaccines will increase soon.
84 Deaths
The number of deaths in Olmsted County due to COVID-19 is slowing. So far there have be 84 deaths. I am saddened by the deaths and for those families whose loved ones have died.
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