Updates: Excellence in Reporting, VA Transportation,

Jobseekers Per Vacancy

Excellence in Financial Reporting

For the 33rd year in a row Olmsted County received the Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting.  The certificate is a testament to the transparent reporting and management of the County’s finances.


Veterans Transportation to the VA Clinic

If you know of Veterans who need transportation to and from the Veteran’s Clinic please have them receive information about the transportation by contacting

Kati Carpenter, DAV SE Minn

Transportation Coordinator

Phone: 507-703-1139

Email: kati@davmn.org

2100 Campus Dr. SE, Suite 200

Rochester, MN  55904


Nathan Pike, Olmsted County Veterans Service Officer


Email:  pike.nathan@co.olmsted.mn.us

2100 Campus Dr SE, Suite 200

Rochester, MN  55904


ZooDazzle 2018

Zoo Dazzle had over 8,000 visitors this year.  This was an amazing event for the zoo!



This is a very good time for job seekers.  The Chart below shows the workforce needs in the area.  Note that the number of applicants per job openings has changed considerable from 2009.  This has resulted from the combination of older Americans (boomers) retiring and fewer numbers of working age people entering the job market.



ZooDazzle 2018

Zoo Dazzle had over 8,000 visitors this year.  This was an amazing event for the zoo!



This is a very good time for job seekers.  The Chart below shows the workforce needs in the area.  Note that the number of applicants per job openings has changed considerable from 2009.  This has resulted from the combination of older Americans (boomers) retiring and fewer numbers of working age people entering the job market.

Jobseekers Per Vacancy