Census 2020
Planning has begun for the 2020 Census. The results of the census will determine the distribution of Federal and State funding. Additionally, it will determine the number of Minnesota’s Congressional seats. It is important that everyone in Olmsted County and Minnesota is counted.
Join the Human Rights Commission
The Human Rights Commission has three vacancies for commissioners. If you are interested in serving on the Human Rights Commission please call the Olmsted County Administrative office. Express your interest in the Human Rights Commission and ask about the application process. Call 507.328.6004
Vote Election 2018
The midterm election is on track to be the biggest turnout in 50 years. Voting is a right; please exercise your right by voting early or on election day.
Real ID
Minnesota’s Real ID is now available. The processing time for the Real ID takes longer than the former Minnesota ID and drivers license. To get the Real ID you will need copies of your birth certificate, signed social security card, marriage license (if there is a name change after marriage). To help move the lines faster, Olmsted County will add temporary personnel. Thank you for your patience while the new Real ID is implemented.
Jumping Worm Alert
“Jumping Worms” have been found in low numbers near the composting site. The Environmental Resources staff has moved quickly to eradicate these invasive species of worms. They look like other earthworms but when disturbed, they thrash erratically and will move in an “S” pattern like a snake. They are smooth, glossy gray or brown. These worms consume more soil nutrients, change the soils, kill plants and increase erosion. They have been spreading throughout the Midwest. Adult cannot survive the winter. As a precaution, please check your composted soil to look for jumping worms. If you have question, contact Environmental Resources.