Curbside Voting & Real ID

Curbside Voting and Early voting If it is difficult for you to walk or stand, you can try the curbside voting service at Olmsted County’s Early Voting site at 1421 3rdAve SE, Second Floor.  There are…

Updates: Census, Human Rights Commission, Real ID, Jumping Worm

Census 2020 Planning has begun for the 2020 Census.  The results of the census will determine the distribution of Federal and State funding.  Additionally, it will determine the number of Minnesota’s Congressional seats.  It is important that everyone…

Liveable Community, MERC, and Minnesota Real ID

Creating a “Liveable Community” A “Liveable” Community is safe and secure, has affordable and appropriate housing, diverse transportation options, and supportive community features and services.  In the City for Good, AARP Minnesota, and Family Service Rochester…