I supported an effort by PRL (Property Real Estate and Licensing) to promote Minnesota’s property tax refund system. I believe that this is an important method to insure that low-income homeowners can receive assistance to keep their place of residence. It appears that efforts that I have encouraged have made positive gains. Approximately 1,000 more refunds in total over the previous year have been filed. Over 400 more Senior Homeowners Refunds were filed. The average amount of refund increased from $737 to $796. The average Senior Homestead Refund increased from $744 to $811. I will continue to advocate for more efforts to inform Olmsted County homeowners of the Property Tax Refund. I will also advocate at the state level to improve the property tax refund to help low income homeowners so that more people can be safe in their home.
2016 Property Tax
Paid in 2017 Count Refund Amount Avg Refund
Homeowner Refunds
Total 12,225 $9,729,000 $796
65+ Refunds 5021 $4,073,000 $811
Renter Refund 8,653 $5,320,000 $615