Updates on: Road Improvements, Graham Park Plaza, and Property Taxes
Ten Ton and An Improved Way to Shoppes on Maine The folks in the south end of District 3 will soon have an improved road to Shoppes on Maine and access to Highway 63. Road work…
Ten Ton and An Improved Way to Shoppes on Maine The folks in the south end of District 3 will soon have an improved road to Shoppes on Maine and access to Highway 63. Road work…
In Honor of Alex Trebec, the Jeopardy Host, Here is the Answer: $331,249. What is the Question? What is the average sold price of a Single Family Home in Rochester so far in 2021? (This statistic…
The Seneca Plan Site The Seneca Plant on 12th Street and 3rd Avenue is in the process of being Demolished. Work on the tear down began December 1 and will continue through January. The restoration and painting of the…
Property tax late fees extended to December 15 Olmsted County has extended the due date for 2020 property taxes until December 15. No late fees will be charged through December 15. Late fees will be charged after…
Southeast Regional Crisis Center The SERCC will serve a 10 County Region for Mental Health Treatment. (Olmsted, Fillmore, Goodhue, Mower, Wabasha, Houston, Winona, Dodge, Steele and Waseca). The 10 counties will contribute to the operation costs….
The 2019 County Levy is $103,217,647. This represents a 4.9% or $4,821,415 increase from the 2018 levy. The County’s property tax base has grown over the past year by about 1.75%. Therefore the Levy will…
Compare the preliminary levies set by surrounding counties. Before levies are set in December, each county sets a preliminary levy. The county finance department then develops a budget based on the values and goals set…
I supported an effort by PRL (Property Real Estate and Licensing) to promote Minnesota’s property tax refund system. I believe that this is an important method to insure that low-income homeowners can receive assistance to…
Homeowners and Renters have less than a month to file for a Property Tax Refund. August 15 is the deadline to file. Households with income of up to $110,000.00 are eligible. Last year the average homeowner refund was about…