The following hearings will be held on August 22, 2017, Sometime after 3:00 in the County Board Room
- Revisions to the Recording of Lot Splits Ordinance redirecting appeals of notices of violations or denials of requests for exceptions to a County hearing officer for an initial hearing.
- Revision to the Olmsted County Liquor Control Ordinance redirecting appeals of notices of violations, liquor license denials, suspensions and revocations to a County hearing officer for an initial hearing.
- Adoption of County Administrative Enforcement and appeals Ordinance
The Following Dates have been set for public hearing.
All hearing will be at the Government Center in the County Board Room.
September 19, 2017: Certify Olmsted County proposed 2018 levy during scheduled Board meeting
December 7, 2017, 7:00 PM in the Board Room: Truth in Taxation Hearing
December 19, 2017: Adopt the final 2018 levy and budget during the scheduled Board meeting.