Check your Tax Statement and Property Valuation Notice
The 2018 Property Tax Statements and Property Valuation Notices will be mailed on or before March 28. Please review your valuation notice; if you believe the classification is in error, please contact the Property Real Estate and Licensing (PRL) Office at 507.328.7670.
The 2018 Property Taxes and Assessment Values can be found on the County Website at this link here.
Are you eligible for a Property Tax Refund?
You may be eligible for a Homestead property tax refund. Along with your property tax statement is information on the Homestead property tax rebate. This has been included because not all homeowners who are eligible for this refund are filing for it. The Homestead property tax refund is meant to assist low income household by rebating some of their property taxes. I supported including this in all property tax statements because not all people who are eligible are filling out the forms.
All people who are eligible should complete the M1PR form. You can get the M1PR form by going to the Department of Revenue for the State of MN or call 651.296.3781 & have a form sent to you.