
Census and Complete Count

This is a census year.  It is very important that everybody is counted.  For Federal dollars alone each person represents about $2,500 per year in Federal funds.  That could be a gain for Minnesota of $2,500 per person…

County’s Cost of Burials & Small Businesses in Olmsted County

Do You Know the Cost of Burial? The cost of burying indigent residents is increasing. 2014            $114,299            71 Burials 2015            $148,560            79 Burials 2016            $141,994            76 Burials 2017            $146,667            80 Burials 2018            $199,417            103 Burials The county averaged 65% cremations versus direct burials.  The County’s burial…

Seneca Property Purchase

At the February 19thCounty Board Meeting, Olmsted County voted to purchase the parcel of land at 12thStreet and 3rdAvenue SE for $5,600,000.  This is the site where the current Seneca food processing plant is now located.  (This…

Updates: Federal Shutdown and State Funding

Federal Government Shutdown In January the Federal Government shutdown threatened the county’s housing stability.  It was possible that federal payments for rent subsidies would stop.  Many families depend upon the subsidies for housing. If the payments would…

Truth in Taxation Meeting at 7PM on December 6th

The Truth in Taxation meeting will be held in the Board Room at the Government Center at 7:00 PM on December 6, 2018. At this meeting the County Board will discuss the proposed property tax…

Affordable Housing

The Olmsted County Housing and Redevelopment Authority has been providing affordable housing for many people and continues to work with other agencies to bring more affordable housing to the county.  In 2018 the following occurred: Community…