Progress on County Road 9

Work is progressing on County Road 9 (College View Road).  This project started last year when utilities were moved and the engineering design was completed.  Doyle Connor Company, a local business, is doing the concrete work.  This will be a 4-lane road that will connect East Circle Drive to the 19th Street intersection (entrance to Olmsted Medical Hospital Emergency Room).  This will make entry into the city much easier for those folks east of Rochester.  A round about will be installed at Silver Creek Road (entrance to the Olmsted Waste to Energy Facility (OWEF) which will make it much easier and faster for the trash haulers and residents to get to the OWEF and recycling drop off.  The concrete on Silver Creek Road is also being replaced and at some time in the near future traffic will be narrowed to one lane in order for the cement to be poured and cured.  I am hoping for mid summer completion.

See video here: Road_Construction_County9