Commitment To Innovation
The Dodge and Olmsted Community Corrections program received the Lead Innovator Award from the Minnesota Association of Community Corrections. This award is recognition of the innovations Community Corrections have applied and modeled for other counties. This award demonstrates that Olmsted is applying practices that ensures public safety while reducing cost in increasing the efficiency of the staff. I continue to support innovation in county work.
Encouraging Manufacturers to Recycle
A bill has been introduced in the Legislature (Extended Producer Responsibility, EPR) to ensure product packaging is recyclable. The Packaging Waste and Cost Reduction Act will make manufactures responsible for the cost of recycling their products. As it is now, manufacturers have made consumers pay for recycling. In Olmsted, everyone pays for recycling through the cost of garbage collection. The Packaging Waste bill would create an incentive to manufacturers to ensure that their packaging is recyclable. The County Board supports this bill because recycling is environmentally better and reduces the waste that is burned. Limiting the amount of waste that is burned extends the life of combustion chambers at the Olmsted Waste to Energy Facility and reduces the amount of smoke that goes into the atmosphere.
The number of Children that are case managed by Olmsted County.
4,000 Houses
The energy output of the Olmsted Waste to Energy facility is enough to supply the energy needs of 4,000 houses. Currently, Olmsted used the energy to serve the needs of some of the county buildings. The energy that is not used by the county creates electricity that is sold to Rochester Public Utilities.
Strategic Planning
Olmsted County has been involved in creating a five-year strategic plan. The plan will guide the county and its services to live up to the process of maintaining and creating “A vibrant community where everyone thrives.” The hallmark of Olmsted’s plan will be based on innovation and accountability. The plan focuses on five main areas: Maintaining and building Trust, Safety, Environmental Sustainability, Responsible Growth, and an Effective Workforce. The Strategic Plan will be published soon.
Graham Park
The transformation of Graham Park has begun. The Grandstand demolition began on March 18. The steel will be stockpiled and used for other projects. This will make way for the multipurpose structure that will be built on the south end of Graham Park. The county board is investigating ways that Graham Park can be used for activities for more than just the week of the county fair. For example, in the space where the grandstand is currently located, the consultant hired by the board has stated that 10 to 15 events could be held over the summer. Modern mobile staging can be used to upgrade and attract entertainment events. The multipurpose building will also allow for events to be held year-round.
Another enhancement will be the conversion of the current WPA maintenance building into a community gathering space that can also be used year-round. (Olmsted has a bonding request for $12.5million to assist us with this conversion.)
Apply for an Advisory Board
Applications are due April 9 by 5:00PM
Olmsted County will be interviewing candidates for open advisory board positions in April. Current openings are available on the following boards and commissions:
- Public Health Services Advisory Board
- Olmsted County Zoning Board of Adjustment
- Chester Heights Sewer District Advisory Board
More information is available at:
2024 Assessed Property Value/Classification
Recently a notice of Assessed Property Valuation was mailed. If you do not agree with the estimated market value, you can appeal. Please call the County Assessor’s Office to learn about how to appeal: 507.328.7670. Or you can visit the Assessor’s Office and speak with someone at 151 4th Street SE from 8AM to 5PM. You can also get information at the County Website:–846489763
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