Homeless Support
The homeless shelter has been moved to the Mayo Civic Center.
Stay At Home
Please remember that to overcome the COVID-19 infection rate, Minnesota has issued a STAY AT HOME order. Without a vaccine, this is the best way to stop the spread of this virus. The infection rate is still growing; the health authorities are predicting that the biggest infection rate is still coming. We are staying at home to reduce the infection rate. You can help by Staying at Home and keeping yourself and kids from congregating in groups.
The city of Rochester have locked the sports courts, removed basketball rims, and installed signage to discourage groups.
The County is Working
Employees have been shifted to work on COVID-19 operations. The county is still in business for other areas.
April 7 County Board Meeting
The County Board will be meeting April 7 by Distance. The County is working on a plan to allow public comment as part of the Distance meeting and to allow the public to observe the meeting by distance.