Construction on County Road 9 Delayed
The detours and construction on County Road 9 has been delayed one week because of unfavorable weather.
Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolution
I do not support a county sanctuary resolution regarding the second amendment. The County Board only takes action on positions that directly relate to county business. As an elected official I took an oath of office to support the U.S. Constitution; I take this oath seriously.
Presidential Primary Numbers
- The County Election process received many compliments about the availability, location, and general operation of the voting.
- Olmsted had a 24.7% voter turnout.
- There were 93,536 registered voters plus those who registered on election day.
- There were 3,704 absentee ballots cast
- 23,538 ballots cast
- 1,667 people registered on election day
The Last Timber Bridge in Olmsted County Replaced.
The bridge on County Road 32 was constructed out of Timber in 1978. The new bridge will be constructed of Concrete at a cost of about $660,000. See the video: The Last Timber Bridge in Olmsted County Replaced.
Updates on Road Construction (County 9, County 32), 2nd Amendment, and Presidential Primary