2022 Election
No incidences were reported at any of the polling places. The election ballot board is made up of eight people. The eight ballot board members represent both major political parties. Following the ballot board’s determination, the election was certified. The certification process included four randomly selected precincts to hand count ballots. 2,737 ballots were hand counted. There was 100% accuracy of the hand count matched to the machine count.
Election Numbers
101,623 – On Election day the number of persons registered as of 7AM
2,871 – The number of people who registered on Election Day
15,888 – The number of accepted regular, military, and overseas absentee ballots and mail
23 – The number of federal office only absentee ballots
0 – The number of only presidential absentee ballots
68,440 – Total number of persons voting
The number of absentee ballots and total ballots cast in 2022 was very similar to the number of absentee ballots in the last off-year election of 2018
Child Care
Child Care for working families is still a problem in Olmsted County. There are not enough child care providers. The state has made some improvements in, licensure, and regulations that hopefully will make it easier for providers to get started and stay in business.
There are a total of 314 Child Care licensed providers in Olmsted County; this includes centers and family care providers. Although the number of license applications has increased since the beginning of the year, the total number of providers remains below pre-pandemic numbers.
Cost Comparisons between Child Care Center and Family Child Care (These are State-wide average)
Infant: $330/week $173/week
Toddler: $290 $165
Preschool $253 $157
School age $227 $140
Difficult Teenagers
The county has started two task forces to study the issue of difficult teenagers. The task forces will report to the county board and provide recommendations on actions that may be taken. I supported these task forces to address this community issue.
2022 Year End Video from Olmsted County
Here is the link to the Olmsted County’s video on the highlights of 2022:
2023 Budget Information
The combined Olmsted County and Housing and Redevelopment 2023 budget is $334,857,008. Of this total, $124,046,580 ($119,479,427 County, $4,567,153 HRA) is funded with property taxes; the remainder of $210,810,428 comes from intergovernmental revenues, bond proceeds, reserves, interest income, etc. The county’s property tax is a 5.9% increase over 2022. Unfortunately, inflation has affected this budget. To hold down the budget, I supported delaying many capital projects and equipment purchases.
For more information go to
Ten-Year Solid Waste Management Plan
The Board approved the 2022-2032 Solid Waste Management Plan. The plan includes maximizing recoverable resources by constructing a Materials Recovery Facility and management of organics (food waste). Olmsted County has requested state bonding money to assist in the construction of the MRF. The Olmsted Waste to Energy Facility does not require any tax dollars, it is fully funded by waste disposal fees and revenue from recoverable and recycled materials. The facility also produces electricity and steam which heats and cools government buildings.
County Board Changes the Meeting Times in 2023
In 2023 the County Board will meet on the first and third Tuesday of the month as usual; however, the meeting times will change. On the first Tuesday of the month the board will meet at 10:00AM instead of 9:00AM. On the third Tuesday of the month the board will convene at 6:00PM instead of 3:00PM. The 6:00PM meeting time has been changed to accommodate individuals who work during the day. Public hearings will occur at both meetings but as many public hearings as possible will be held at the 6:00PM time. I supported this change to allow for more public participation.
Thank You
I look forward to serving you in 2023! I wish for a Healthy, Peaceful, and Prosperous New Year for all of us. Thank you for honoring me with your support.
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