Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA)
Olmsted County has mailed to 2,000 randomly selected households a questionnaire to determine the health needs of Olmsted County. If you received one, please complete the survey and return it. You will be helping the County determine where it should put its efforts to meet the health needs of those who live in the county. The survey will take about 15 – 20 minutes to complete. The questions will ask about clinical care, the physical environment, and other factors that affect the health of the people in the county.
Historic Preservation
The County authorized an additional $75,000 for contracting services historical preservation the Bierman House.
Abatement Policy for Penalties, Interests and Fees pertaining to late and delinquent property taxes for Residential Owner-occupied Properties
I supported this policy that grants limited hardship abatement of penalties due to non-payment of property taxes. This policy is intended to lessen the chance that low-income residents would be forcibly removed from their home. This is not abatement of the property tax itself; this only applies to penalties, fees, and interest that may accrue do property taxes that have not been paid. There are strict guidelines to determine if a homeowner is eligible for hardship abatement. Please note that detailed application is necessary. If you have questions about this policy you can direct them to the Olmsted County Property Records and Licensing (PRL).
Phone: 507.328.7670 or 507.328.7635