55th Street Bridge, Road Pilot Project, Oxbow Park & Zollman Zoo Updates

55th Street Bride and Extension; an Olmsted County project.

If you have been to Essex Park recently you noticed that the 55th street extension is making good progress.  The bridge and road is expected to open in September.


Road Maintenance Pilot Project

Public works will be starting two pilot projects which will test a new process for road maintenance.  The pilot will test a new bituminous (black top) technology that allows the use of a 3/4 inch layer of bituminous rather than the standard 2-3 inch.  If the pilot is a success it will be used more in the future and allow County road maintenance dollars to be saved.


Oxbow Park and Zollman Zoo

The new exhibit for prairie dogs and badgers is making progress at the Zollman Zoo.  The exhibit will allow visitors to see the underground activities of the animals.

I have noticed that a lot grandparents visit the zoo the with grandkids. It is a great learning center for everyone.

The new exhibits should be completed this fall.