Highway 14 Corridor Analysis
Please participate in Highway 14 Analysis. This analysis is looking at Highway 14 from Kasson to 60thAve (intersection of County Road 104) on the west side of Rochester. To participate go to www.surveymonkey.com/r/highway14and complete a survey on how you use Highway 14, what issues you believe exist along the corridor and what you would like to see in the future. The purpose of the study is to create a future vision for the corridor that improves safety, regulates access, improves the movement of commerce, reduces congestion, and encourages economic development. You can inform yourself on the Analysis information by going to www.us14corridoranalysis.com and signing up for the electronic mailing list.
Census 2020
Olmsted County has started on preparation for the Census so that every person is counted. Soon Census workers will be in your neighborhood. Please remember that each Census employee will have an official identification card. They will also have a computer with a Census Bureau logo on the top and a black canvas bag with the Census Bureau logo. It is important that all the people in the county are counted. The count will determine Federal funds for county Infrastructure, Health and Human Services, Low-income housing and other Federally funded programs.