Graham Park Events, Waste to Energy, and a New Resident at Zollman Zoo!!

A lot is happening at Graham Park.  It’s more than a Fairgrounds.

Here is a link for you to see the many events that have taken place at Graham Park.  The activities include Weddings, antique shows, comic con, dog shows, craft beer expos, hockey and private parties.  See the video:


You can help reduce costs at the Waste to Energy Facility by “Knowing What to Throw.” 

Here is a video that helps us learn what is garbage and what is recyclable.

See the video:


Zollman Zoo has a New Resident

The baby cougar that came to the Zollman Zoo when it was on 3 pounds, has grown big enough and strong enough to have its own area at the zoo.  You can see the cougar romp and play at the Oxbow Nature Center.