DMC November 6 Meeting

At the November 6 Destination Medical Center Meeting a question was asked by the DMC Board Chair, R.T. Rybak:  What do you want to see [of DMC] in the next year?  I responded to this question by reminding the DMC Board that focusing only on the 15 square blocks of the DMC zone does not encourage the support of the residents of Rochester and Olmsted County.  DMC must also be cognizant of current residents and neighborhoods.  I urged the DMC board to involve citizen groups working on age friendly and livable community strategies.  DMC must do more to help preserve neighborhoods by working with neighborhood organizations and, after spending $40 million on a transportation study, a better intercity transportation system must be developed.  The meeting was attended by the DMC Board, DMC Economic Development Board, and representatives from Mayo Clinic, Rochester City Council and Olmsted County Board.

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