I have completed my walk through District 3. I have talked with many people and left my web address at all of the houses. Thank you for the great conversations. Many people asked my about the boundaries of District 3 so I have included a picture of the District. I have 9 precincts in my district. In each precinct I walk takes an average of 29 miles. That is about 270 miles for the entire District in about 8 weeks. I usually walk a couple times a week for about 10 miles each time. Here are some of the comments had:
- Thank you for your good work
- I wish the County could stop DMC
- I am glad that you care about our neighborhood
- Thank you for working on affordable housing
- I think Rochester has forgotten about us older people who built this town and Mayo
- I have no complaints about the County; you do a good job
- Keep up the good work
- Thank you for caring
- Thank you for your service