Public Health Feedback
The public health department wants to hear from the people on ways Olmsted County’s Public Health Services can improve and to learn the public health issues people believe the county is facing now. If you want your comments heard, you can send an email to or call 328-7434 for additional information.
State Government Shutdown
The County has begun planning critical service delivery in the event of Minnesota Government shutdown, if a budget deal is not reached by the end of May.
Portions of Zumbro River Closed During Restoration
The Zumbro River in Oronoco hs been closed tall watercraft and recreational activities due to the river restoration project within the former Lake Shady. The area under construction is from Highway 52 downstream to the DNR Canoe Landing in Oronoco. The main branch of the Zumbro and North Fork remain open. The project is expected to continue through this year.