Updates: Graham Park, Cascade Creek, Successful Audit Report, and Hazard Mitigation Plan Approval

Graham Park

Olmsted County has submitted a grant for $10 million to the Minnesota Management and Budget department to reconfigure and provide multipurpose buildings at Graham Park.  This will allow Graham Park to provide year-round facilities for a wide variety of community activities and to become a self-supporting enterprise.


Cascade Creek at the Former Meadow Lakes Golf Course 

The June edition of Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources featured the work that Olmsted County has done on the Cascade Creek Project.  Skip Langer (Olmsted County Soil and Water Conversation District official) was very involved in the project; it will reduce erosion and sediment flow.  This project took place at the former Meadow Lakes Golf Course.  The project was funded by three grants.  It was a partnership project with the county, city, DNR, U.S. Geological survey and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.


Olmsted Received a Successful Audit Report

The State Auditor reported an “unmodified opinion” to the Finance Department.  This means the County’s financial statements and reporting process have met the state standards.  The Auditor also identified a weakness in the Medical Assistance program.


Hazardous Mitigation Plan

FEMA has approved Olmsted County’s Hazardous Mitigation Plan.  The plan must be updated every five years to remain eligible for pre and post-disaster mitigation grant programs.