Oxbow Park and Zollman Zoo

One of the many reasons that people enjoy Olmsted County is County Park System.  Oxbow Park and the Zollman Zoo is one of wonderful parks.  Many family gatherings are held at the park during the summer, last about 4,500 students visited the park to learn from the park’s naturalist, and Grampas, Grammas, Moms and Dads visit the zoo with their grandchildren and children.  It is a great outing for the family.

Recently the Zollman Zoo acquired a Great Horned Owl.  The Great Horned Owl’s habitat is the forest and wooded areas so it is not a sight that most people would see.  However, you can view this bird of prey up close at the zoo.  (The owl was injured and can no long survive in the wild.)

You can also help the Zoo and the Park by joining Friends of Oxbow.

Here is the Spring Schedule of events at Oxbow and Chesterwoods Parks:  https://www.co.olmsted.mn.us/pw/parks/Pages/Olmsted-County-Park-Programs.aspx

You can find out about the dates for feeding the bison, deer, elk and raptor and the spring flower hike!