Information of Interest: January – March

Information of Interest : January – March 2017

Nine County properties that the City believes could be Potential Landmark Properties. Seven of the nine properties are located in Graham Park/Fairgrounds. Out of the remaining two properties (two bridges), Bridge No. 9407 has been demolished and replaced with a new bridge, and Bridge No. 89188 is a City-owned property.

Olmsted County’s long-time Chief Financial Officer, Bob Bendzik,  will be retiring on May 31.  Bob has tremendous knowledge regarding county finances and will be missed.

Damascus Way has made an agreement with the county to provide housing, supervision, and support for probationers.  Damascus way has demonstrated that it has an effect program to help probationers return to productive lives.

The Oronoco Dam has been removed and the iron and concrete are being recycled.

Minnesota requires an average 50 foot buffer of perennial vegetation along all public waterways.  An estimated 95% of affected properties are already in compliance in Olmsted County.

The Olmsted County Justice Council (OCJC), formed two years ago by the County, receives financial support from the County, City and Courts. The meetings are starting to bear fruit with initiatives to make the justice/judicial system better and more efficient.

The Public Works Department was recognized for Outstanding Services provided by the entire department. This award is very well-deserved.   Olmsted’s Public Works employees work hard to ensure that county dollars are used efficiently and for the best benefit of our citizens.

Due to recent weather conditions, only 65 to 70% of the Lake Shady project is complete. The project is scheduled for completion by the end of June and staff have indicated that the schedule will be meet.

The County Board voted in favor of a ¼ cent sales tax to fund road and bridge preservation and construction projects.  A ¼ cent sales tax amounts to 25 cents on a $100 purchase.  This will not fund all of the construction and preservation projects;  Olmsted will delay those projects that cannot be funded at this time.